Designers in sustainability – are you taking it seriously? SURVEY REPORT
Earlier in 2022 BIDA, following up the well attended webinar Designers in Sustainability: What Metrics? we organised an online survey with the title: Designers in Sustainability: Are we taking it seriously? This was alongside the Design Council’s own survey with questions on sustainability and earlier report; Beyond net zero and the Design Business Association’s own webinar.
Given the sample size, we are not claiming any definitive analysis, but we have identified four overall themes from the comments provided. We need to make it clear that BIDA are not currently endorsing any of these views, so present these themes as questions and we do believe it necessary to continue the debate and define some positive actions:
1 Designers are not fully responsible - or shouldn’t be responsible?
2 Designers are willing or ready, but not able to deliver?
3 In general designers are not fully prepared?
4 Designers have a role, but a multidisciplinary approach is needed?
Our full survey report is available here